- Family and Home - If she has any children you can really get on the good side of her by taking an interest in her children.
- Health & Fitness - A lot of single women work out to keep their bodies in good shape.
- Personal Growth and Career Goals - Be sure and find out her career goals.
- Clothes and Shopping - You can really capture her heart if you're knowledgeable about women's fashions and talk about shopping.
- Perfume and Jewelry - Talk about her favorite perfumes and comment on any jewelry she's wearing.
- Recreation and Travel - Most women usually like to have fun and go on out-of-town trips.
- Men and Relationships - Single women love to talk about men and relationships. You can really impress her by sympathizing with her on all the crap she has to put up with from jerks (Guys hitting up on her all the time, getting propositioned for sex, men acting like dogs in heat, men treating her like a whore and showing her no respect, putting up with drunks, jealous boyfriends, men talking vulgar and crude towards her, etc.).
- Cooking and Dining Out - Discuss your favorite recipes and your favorite restaurants.
- Music and Concerts - Women love music, dancing, and going to concerts.
- Nightclubs - Most single women love to dance and party at nightclubs. Discuss your favorite nightclubs to party at.
- The Beach - Most single women like to lay out and get a good tan. Talk about your local beach scene.
If you discuss some or all of these subjects, you'll never run out of things to talk about and your conversations will flow smoothly. Plus, you will make a powerful impression on her and attract her to you. This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles
Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to
successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with
women, please visit his website at: http://www.getgirls.com.

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